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It is really difficult to define an educational philosophy. For me education is the most important part of a society. It is essential in order to help you understand yourself and others and of course to make you go a step further. It is difficult to say that education is "this" and "that", but I can easily say that education is something great! 


There are certain values and beliefs that someone should have so as to get involved with education. You have to be innovative, patient, willing to learn more than you already know. You should realise that every single day is a challenge. A challenge that you have to face and after that, you MUST reflect and provide an appropriate feedback to yourself in order to improve. You must be ethic. What I want to say is that you should know what is moral or not, you should think the "common good" as much as possible. But most of all you have to be fair. It is hard to be fair in your everyday life but it is really important if you want your students to understand the significance of being fair in all dealings without discriminating.


My educational philosophy includes lots of thoughts. Thoughts that are difficult to express at once. In my opinion, teachers should help children to find themselves, love them and teach them certain values.


After all, all teachers are not the same. All people are not the same. So, is there this one and only thing that is widely acceptable? And again, can we all agree that certain things must be taught/promoted in a certain way?

I think that as years go by and we learn more, we tend to undo previous theories and open our minds even more. Research is something that will help us become better. Whatever we do, we should always think critically and explore new theories combining them with previous experience. 


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